My week on Instagram: Windy walks and blogger meet ups

The first week of December is over, and with every advent chocolate I feel more and more guilty about not finishing my Christmas shopping! Oh well, I’m sure more chocolate will numb the guilt…

Anyways! This week I’ve gone a bit Instagram crazy, so below are some of my favourites, showing you what I’ve been getting up to.

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Let me know what you’ve been up to ok the comments below!

Find me on Instagram and Twitter

Happy blogmas!

Alice x

My Pinterest Tip 10 Pins – 23rd February 2013


Social Media is a funny business isn’t it? There are so many different sites that are maybe too niche to ever really take off. But some – take your Facebooks and Twitters for example – that have one simple idea, and it really works.

For example, I love Pinterest. It’s that simple idea that you can share content that you like – and that’s it. No status updates, just pictures and videos of things you love.

I started using Pinterest just to browse the gorgeous images of beaches, and to look at the fashion photography littering the popular pins page.

However, after a while – especially when I started my own blog – I started to pin, repin, upload and like every day, it’s quite addictive to be honest!

Everything from fashion, beauty, home décor and tattoo ideas are included in my favourites pins, and the list is currently over a thousand, and I have only been ‘pinning’ for 12 months.

One of my favourite things about Pinterest is you can search through Pin’s, even if you aren’t following the person. So, unlike Facebook for example, you can discover so much more because the search is pretty much limitless (unless you’ve privatised your account…!) I love finding international fashion, and beauty tips from across the globe. I also love seeing images my friends have uploaded, all in the same feed. I get so many tips and ideas for my own style and blogs from Pinterest, and I love the people that embrace that type of Social Media.

Every week I’m going to post my top 10 favourite pins from the previous 7 days. I’ll link the image, and the pinner, so you can find the original and repin it too, if you love it! There aren’t any rules with my top 10, the pins can vary from fashion, beauty tips, hairstyles, photography, cookery, home design…etc anything which looks fab, and that I personally think has been a great pin that week. I haven’t been approached by any of the pinners to feature their pin, but if I have – then it will be marked with a *.

I hope you enjoy my posts, and please comment in the box below if you’d love to see a themed Pins of the week post!

See you soon!

A x

For more Pins from me, add me on Pinterest HERE   | Add me on Twitter HERE | Add me on Instagram – alicebrazier


(Click on the grid image below to see the original pins, direct on my Pinterest page!)

My Top 10 pin’s of last week, in no particular order, were…

Pinterest top 10 feb 2013