It’s 2014 already?

Well, that happened quick! I was just reminiscing about Summer 2013, when I came hurtling into 2014 with a thud.

It’s fair to say I’ve been in a bit of a bubble lately. I’d planned on blogging every day in December, but illness/Christmas shopping/Work got in the way of my plans. However, that isn’t going to stop me in 2014!

New Year, new me?

Like most people with an internet connection and a Facebook account, I find my timelines inundated with ‘New Year, new me!’/‘2014 is going to be my year!’ statuses. And, yes, whilst I applaud anyone who sits up and makes postiive changes in their life, I don’t see why they should be limited to the start of January. I love to make little changes throughout the year, and I find it makes it easier to stick to and ‘resolutions’ I make, rather than a 12 month promise glooming over my head, where I constantly dread a letter from the gym stating that I ‘must try harder’ in 2014.

So, in a bid to help myself, and hopefully you lovely people, I’ve devised my aims for 2014 – not specific resolutions. They are both things I’m going to try to achieve, as well as things I’m going to try and limit. Let me know if your list is similar, or anything I’ve not added that you’ve resolved to change in 2014.

  • Attend Fashion Week. I’ve dreamed of visiting LFW for a very long time, and now I work in the capital I felt it was the perfect opportunity to visit some shows, and Somerset House for their Fashion Weekend.


  • Run a half marathon. Last year I chickened out, even after I paid to enter, but I’m determined to enter and actually run. Pretty embarrassing considering my 52 year old Dad managed to not only enter, but run in a pretty decent time. No pressure then…


  • Take more photos. I live and work in two pretty contrasting areas of the country, and yet I barely document either. Working in London was a big deal when I moved, especially coming from a smallish city like Peterborough. I’d love to take more pictures, probably Instagram them, and show you all the wonderful places I visit, especially with an upcoming European road trip planned. EXCITED.



  • Travel more. I’ve never ventured outside of Europe. Pretty shocking, I know, but with Uni, and a fear of flying (despite being an Air Cadet?!), I hadn’t really travelled up until now. I’ve always wanted to visit Paris, and I’m hoping to road trip around Europe this Spring. No doubt there will be pictures galore on Instagram, and a blog post or two 😉



  • Extend my blog. I’ve always been interested in writing, but never felt I had the skill, or patience, to write a novel. I also much enjoy fact over fiction, but that’s another story. I started blogging as an outlet to my shopping addiction, as well as a help with the industry I work in. However, I’m looking to litter my beauty and fashion posts with fitness, cooking and lifestyle articles in 2014. Let me know if you’d like to see anything else too.

So there it is! My aims for 2014. Here’s hoping I actually achieve these. Not like last year when I only managed to pass my driving test (after the fifth time of trying. I KNOW)

Comment below with your resolutions and aims for 2014, I’d love to know what they are 🙂

Find me on Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin’ and Pinterest.

Alice x

Winter Make-Up Trends

So, I’ve spent most of this week debating with several groups of friends what I should, or definitely shouldn’t, wear to Christmas parties this December (yes, my life is that interesting!)

However, the only thing I can decide on is the make-up and nails – something dark. I know most people dye their hair darker when the weather gets colder, but for once I’ve stayed blonde and feel I need to go dark elsewhere this Winter. So, I’m thinking Wine coloured nails (more Pinot Noir than Grigio), classic smokey eyes and lashings of mascara. All I need now is a dress…

Nails. Dark reds always tend to shine more in the winter. Try a delicious dark red, and either a top-coat of Barry M shine, or Essie’s matte to add something extra. An accent nail in a similar shaded glitter, or nail caviar, could add a little extra if you’re looking for some sparkle too.


Blushed cheeks A great tip I heard recently is to apply blusher under a light later of foundation for a rosy cheek effect, rather than after foundation. It looks more subtle too, especially if you’re worried about your blush overpowering your look.

Smokey eyes. Certain to add a little extra to daytime make-up, smokey eyes done well can transform your outfit, with rock chick effortlessness. Want a break from the staple grey/black smokey eyes? Try gold, or even rose gold, this winter.There are no rules! Having statement eye makeup doesn’t mean you need to tone down the rest of your look, just wear what you feel comfortable in.


Sultry lips. Dark red lips are fast becoming a winter night favourite. Paired with a LBD and heels, you’ll pretty much nail any dress code this Christmas. A brighter shade might work fabulously with smudged eyes, but pale pink lips might look stunning with natural eye makeup. It’s all down to personal preferences, and you’re willingness to experiment.


What make up looks are you looking forward to this winter? Please post links to your blogs below if have any tips you want to share.

Find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin’.

Happy blogmas!

Alice x

ps I don’t own the images above, but I have linked to the pinterest accounts they are taken from. Just click the images and pin away!