Winter layers

I commute into London for work every day, so planning outfits isn’t always successful. On several occasions I’ve either severely over dressed or under dressed and have been left freezing/melting in central London. One thing I’ve found which normally always works is layering, and below is one of my staple favourites I love, and which can work well this winter.

Let me know what you think! 🙂

Winter layers

Miss Selfridge top
$23 –

Faux leather jacket
$82 –

True Religion denim legging
$195 –

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Happy blogmas!

Alice x

Winter Make-Up Trends

So, I’ve spent most of this week debating with several groups of friends what I should, or definitely shouldn’t, wear to Christmas parties this December (yes, my life is that interesting!)

However, the only thing I can decide on is the make-up and nails – something dark. I know most people dye their hair darker when the weather gets colder, but for once I’ve stayed blonde and feel I need to go dark elsewhere this Winter. So, I’m thinking Wine coloured nails (more Pinot Noir than Grigio), classic smokey eyes and lashings of mascara. All I need now is a dress…

Nails. Dark reds always tend to shine more in the winter. Try a delicious dark red, and either a top-coat of Barry M shine, or Essie’s matte to add something extra. An accent nail in a similar shaded glitter, or nail caviar, could add a little extra if you’re looking for some sparkle too.


Blushed cheeks A great tip I heard recently is to apply blusher under a light later of foundation for a rosy cheek effect, rather than after foundation. It looks more subtle too, especially if you’re worried about your blush overpowering your look.

Smokey eyes. Certain to add a little extra to daytime make-up, smokey eyes done well can transform your outfit, with rock chick effortlessness. Want a break from the staple grey/black smokey eyes? Try gold, or even rose gold, this winter.There are no rules! Having statement eye makeup doesn’t mean you need to tone down the rest of your look, just wear what you feel comfortable in.


Sultry lips. Dark red lips are fast becoming a winter night favourite. Paired with a LBD and heels, you’ll pretty much nail any dress code this Christmas. A brighter shade might work fabulously with smudged eyes, but pale pink lips might look stunning with natural eye makeup. It’s all down to personal preferences, and you’re willingness to experiment.


What make up looks are you looking forward to this winter? Please post links to your blogs below if have any tips you want to share.

Find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin’.

Happy blogmas!

Alice x

ps I don’t own the images above, but I have linked to the pinterest accounts they are taken from. Just click the images and pin away!

Fashion for a fiver: The top 5 fashion sites when you’re on a budget

Summer was great, wasn’t it? Us Brits are always thought of as moaners when it comes to the weather (UK Storm, helloooo?!), but this summer some pretty glorious weather graced our shores for a good few weeks. Yes, I know, … Continue reading

Welcome to Blogmas!


As you may have read in yesterdays blog post, this December I’m setting out to write a blog post per day, all linking to the festive season!

Now if you’re anything like me, you see the days getting shorter, temperatures getting colder and then BAM. Rubbish hair and crappy complexion.

It sucks, I KNOW.

But why in winter? Well, extreme sun exposure burns our skin in the summer, but changes in temperature also affect the composure of your skin. According to WEB Md and Allure ( (THE beauty bible), changes in your skin and hair in winter are actually due to lower levels of humidity, leading to dehydration – which can be reversed if you treat it with the right products.

The plus side? The solutions don’t have to be medical, they won’t break your bank, and can easily be found in a high street beauty store. So, breath a sigh of relief, and read on to save your hair and skin this Winter.

Butter moisturisers. Creamier products will apply deeper moisture to the skin, but can often block pores and lead to outbreaks during summer months. However, during Winter they can help your skin recover after periods of exposure to cold weather, by protecting your skin with additional hydration. Try Body Shop’s Cocoa Butter range for great results, as well as a great smell. If you don’t want to wear a heavier moisturiser during the day, save your skin whilst you snooze with a night cream. They are traditionally ‘creamier’ (no, really?!) and can help your skin without blocking pores during the day. A personal favourite is Boot’s No7 Restore and Renew Night Cream. It’s normally a bit pricey, but it’s currently on 3 for 2 in Boots!

Leave in conditioners. It’s hard to get out of bed as it is, without throwing dark Monday mornings in to the mix. Seriously, who decided that was ok?! When you’re rushing to get out of the house, and a quick blow dry and straighten will just have to do. This, coupled with icy wind and pollution aren’t great for your ‘do, so it’s a great idea to chuck a leave in conditioner into your shower routine. Try Lee Staffords Argan Oil Deep Nourishing Treatment. Leave it in for 5-10mins, or my trick is sleeping in it over night and washing it out the next morning. Now, it’s an understatement to say ‘I sometimes dye my hair’, so I use this regularly, but my friends with natural hair colours love this in Winter. Maybe try adding a small wash of your normal conditioner, just on the tips if you want an extra rinse with a fresher smell in the morning.

Lip balm. Sleep in it! It might seem massively obvious, but applying it and then having 40 winks means you wake up with smooth lips and less cracks. You don’t even need to invest in a new product, just continue using your favourites! Another tip is to drink more water than normal. 2litres a day is the national suggested average, it’s not a guideline for everyone. For example, toddlers don’t need that much, and 6ft7″ rugby players will need more. Just add an extra glass or two to keep chapped lips and dry skin at bay. You’ll thank me later

Do you use anything else to keep rubbish winter skin at bay? Is there anything you think I should’ve added, or any tips you want to share? Feel free to share them below in the comments, or tweet me with your tips.

Find me on Twitter, Pinterest and Bloglovin’

Happy blogmas!

Alice x

Outfit: Winter Chill


Sorry I haven’t posted in a few weeks!!

Recently, I’ve been layering a lot of my outfits, rather than having one winter coat. I love the leather jacket and hoody look – esp when one is in a dark berry shade…

Let me know what you think!

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A x

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I’m on Instagram as alicebrazier