The Top 10 Fashion and Beauty Commandments for Commuters

As you may, or may not be aware, I work in London. However, I don’t live in London. Instead, I choose, like thousands more, to commute to work each day. Whether this is a wise decision or not is to be debated, but that pretty much sums up my 9-5 (actually, it’s more like 7-7. YAWN)

So, what relevance does this have for my blog? Well, I’ve been thinking for some time to incorporate some of things I’ve learnt whilst travelling into some blog posts, so if you ever have to commute for work, visit London, or simply have a long journey ahead of you, I can hopefully help you.
This is the first blog in the series, and I wanted to start with the basics: The 10 commuter commandments: beauty and fashion edition. Let me know if you have any other commandments I’ve missed out, and anything you’d like me to investigate re. travel based beauty hacks, for example.
The Commuters Beauty and Fashion Commandments
  1. Hello hygiene! It might seem obvious (I hope this is obvious) but travelling for long hours isn’t just boring, it can also be stressful. Running for trains, especially in heat, can wreck havoc on your blood pressure, let alone your sweat levels (yuk). So, next time you’re heading the big smoke, stock up on your preferred brand of spray and go wild! Boots also do travel size versions so you can chuck one in your handbag for a cheeky top up at the end of the day. Not that you need it, but, y’know, just in case…
  2. Face wipes, face wipes, face wipes. I can’t say it enough, keeping your skin clean in a polluted city can make a biiiig difference. London is notorious for drying skin, and can change your unblemished complexion into one you’d rather hide. Only problem is, when you do get a breakout, you want to then cover up in heavy make-up. So, avoid those pesky blackheads and grab some face wipes next time you’re in Boots/Superdrug etc. My favourites are from Simple’s range. They are great at cleaning your skin, and getting rid of make-up – double whammy. d9888b3cbf506195a045a5dfc63f8ca6
  3. Layers or big coat? Always a tricky one. I’m definitely in the ‘layers’ camp. That way, I can de-robe on the Northern Line should it be rammed (which is ALWAYS). I always find that the temperature on the tube has no relation to the actual weather, so wrapping up warm for the bus is always wise, but bare in mind the packed Tube you’re about to get in when picking your outfit that morning. H & M and Topshop do some great basics pieces, which are great for layering, as well a some great statement coats if you want to opt for a big coat to get snuggly in. 9dc2144eea07c4435707b807ee0148bf
  4. Freshen up! Your commute might not take long, or you might be on a 7 hour flight – either way, if you don’t have access to a toothbrush you might feel like you want to inject some minty freshness in to your travels. Stick some gum in your makeup bag and you won’t be stuck avoiding after work drinks because you had tuna sarnies at lunch.
  5. Heels or flats? The age old debate I’ve seen rage on in several Metro issues: should women who work in the City (i.e. those who wear suits to work) wear trainers to work, and then change into heels in the office? Personal preference? I’d wear black flats, and then change, but honestly, each to their own. There are some great smart trainers nowadays, and flat pumps which double as fitness trainers, so you can wear them all day without worrying you’ll forget your backup heels. Especially if you have to rush into that meeting sans Kurt Geigers. 7951a8b4c23c43b11f85562a32778f1f
  6. It’s free, so why not? Who doesn’t love something that’s free? You are literally spoilt for choice in London which, like several other major cities, offers free magazines and newspapers to its visitors. Tuesday is my personal favourite – it’s Stylist day! I love Stylist because it covers everything from fashion to female opinion articles, beauty and book reviews. To be honest, I’d quite happily pay for Stylist – It’s that good. They’ve got a Twitter account too, if you don’t have the chance to pick up a copy.
  7. Hair refresh, or another hit of the snooze button? A daily challenge I can assure you. Do you get up and fully wash your hair, or leave it 5 minutes, and just condition? Or was it a crap night sleep, and you’d rather not even bother? No judgement, we have all been there, but if you do want to dodge the shower in the morning, grab some dry shampoo and hair ties/pins, and stick them with your travel sized deodorant for a quick spruce up half way throughout the day. They are also great if you get caught in a downpour, and your do just isn’t doing it any more.
  8. One outfit, or two? Been invited out for drinks after work, or visiting friends but don’t want to lug a massive over night bag on the train? Check out my previous blogs on day to night outfits that can take you from desk to dance floor in a quick change of makeup and jeans. It means you can take less to work, but still have a great night. Take a look at my Polyvore too if you want more outfit inspiration, or you just want a cheeky nose. I won’t tell anyone, promise.
    Dress Code #2: Day to Night, Office to Bar
  9. Let there be…water? hydrates your skin, especially in winter when there is less hydration in the air (hence dryer skin in December). So grab a bottle and stick it in your handbag for a top up on the train. Remember to drink up at your desk too. Try keeping a 2litre bottle by your laptop so you can see how much you’ve drank throughout the day.
  10. Experiment and explore. You could be travelling to a city you see every day, or visiting one for the first time. Either way, there is so much you could see and do, but more importantly there are so many new places to SHOP. Even in the train stations you can cram in a quick purchase or two before the train back home. 53fbfc12a6b411c7afab6ad218954ce1
I hope these commandments help you in your travels in the future! Would you add any others if you wrote your own commandments? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy travels!
Alice x

It’s almost December?!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it’s December tomorrow! Yes, Christmas adverts have graced telly for a few months now, but it still hasn’t sunk in!

So, it’s officially now the festive season, and to celebrate I’m uploading a new blog every day! Let’s call it Blogmas, why not…

Check back every day in December to find the latest blog on anything and everything from affordable winter fashion, Christmas party dress decoders and winter skin care rescue remedies.

And if after the festive season you feel a bit in need of a detox and a long run after too many mince pies, then head back after the 25th for some fitness fashion tips, detox secrets and New Years resolution inspiration.

I want to make this a collaborative blog too, so please feel free to comment or tweet me if you want me to cover any other topics! Find me on Twitter: @alicebrazier, Pinterest, Instagram and Bloglovin.

I’m really excited to share this with you, and I’d love to read your blogs too, so please share them in the comments below.

Happy blogmas!

Alice xx

September favourites

So, it’s been a while, huh?!

Let me explain. 2013 has been a mixed year. Plenty of highs, and horrible lows, but after changing jobs to start working in London, everything is starting to look up! Any way, life update over!

I often find myself overwhelmed in Boots or Superdrug, with shelves and shelves of similar looking products, all boasting similar little miracles. Honestly, one thing that helps me out is other bloggers monthly favourites videos, showcasing repeat purchases or new favourites, helping me to cut through the crap and get to the goodies you’ve all been raving about.

So, in a bid to give back to all you wonderful monthly reviewers, here is my first monthly favourites blog. Enjoy!

1) L’oreal Wild Ombrès. Late to the bandwagon, I KNOW, but it’s standing the test of time for me. I went for the darkest shade of L’oreals Wild Ombré, but left it on slightly longer than advertised, and promptly bleached the ends of my hair leaving it in need of some tlc! See favourite no.4 for the recovery process 😉

2) L’oreal Caresse Lipstick (shade 03/Lovely Rose). I’ve never been a ‘bright lip’ kind of a girl (more smokey eyes if I’m honest), so I pretty much only have pretty pinks or pale nudes in my make up bag. So, even though I have several shades of pink, L’oreals Caresse is so gorgeously soft, and he colour lasts so long. Big, big fan.

3) Escada ‘Cherry in the air’. OHMYGOSH. I was given this as a gift from my extremely generous boyfriend (after previously purchasing another Escada perfume) and was initially unsure over the sweetness of it’s successor. However, it is honestly gorgeous, and I have had so many compliments over the scent that I’m seriously considering stockpiling this limited edition beauty!

4) Richard Ward: The Chelsea Collection. Now, I was sent these products to review, but I wouldn’t be putting them in a monthly favourites if they hadn’t completely changed the quality of my hair over the last 30 days. As you’ve previously read, I loveeee a good hair dye session, and am no stranger to a bottle of bleach. This is great for my short attention span and lack of interest in one hair colour, but not so great when my conditioner has to pick up the pieces. So, ombre applied, I washed out the dye and my hair was a little worse for wear. I tried a couple of hair masks, which worked for a day or two, but I needed something long term. This range worked so well that I’m defiantly investing in the set. My hair has not only been restored to it’s previous glory, but it is growing again, too. Now, I’m not suggesting that you go hell for leather with a bottle of bleach and use this to manage the peroxide results, but it helped me regain the silky smooth locks I once only thought possible for my ‘play-it-safe’ brunette phases.

So, any thoughts? I’ll be uploading a fashion favourites soon too (ASOS anyone?!), so feel free to tweet me or reply to this blog with any suggestions, and any of your monthly favourites.

Find me on twitter: @alicebrazier and Pinterest

Ahhh. It feels good to be back 🙂

A x

Festival Fashion

Festival Fashion

White tank top
$7.54 –

SELECTED short jacket
$99 –

Bangle bracelet

Vintage necklace

Chain belt
$75 –

Why blog?

It’s a question I get asked A LOT. “Why do you blog?”

It started as a want – I’d always wanted to blog – but felt I needed a subject to write about, before I could just start. I tried a personal blog, more an online diary, but felt it wasn’t the right fit.

So, after a little while, I started to right draft blog posts about my fashion and beauty ideas, and from there I launched this blog you’re reading now.

I use my blog as a style diary too. I love to look at what other people are wearing, especially girls my own age from all corners of the globe. I like to try out my own spin on fashion trends, and I love looking back at old blog posts of my favourite bloggers to see how they have changed, and how their style has developed too.

But, why me? Why fashion?

I love the thought of working in fashion or beauty one day, but I didn’t really take a big interest until I was in my late teens. Growing up, I loved sport more than fashion, and spent my days in various sport kits, attending competitions or training. I didn’t really have time to take an interest in clothing, or makeup. But, at university, I really started to notice mix of girls, and how they interpreted trends. Going to somewhere with such a massive mix of people, from all over the UK, and even the world, really introduced me to more styles than I could have ever seen in my hometown.

So, effectively, I’m pretty new at the this!

I’m learning new things every day, and I want to write about my approach to fashion, and introduce other beginners to it too. When I have built up a few more blog posts, I’m really excited about launching a YouTube channel too, with trend and beauty reviews, body shape advice, and style tips.

Why do you blog? Is it something you just love doing, or do you have other reasons for it? Have you ever thought of vlogging too, or creating make up tutorials online? Or, have you never blogged, but thought about launching one?

Let me know, I love to hear from you 🙂 x

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Follow me on Twitter – @alicebrazier
Add me on Pinterest – aliloubee
Find me on Instagram – AliceBrazier

Sunday Night Eats


Latest OOTD is below, let me know what you think! The jacket is a bargain from Primark, and it fits so well – especially for a tall girl like me!

Let me know what outfits you’ve been wearing recently, I always love to hear from you!

A x

Add me on Twitter
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Add me on Instagram – alicebrazier

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Outfit: Winter Chill


Sorry I haven’t posted in a few weeks!!

Recently, I’ve been layering a lot of my outfits, rather than having one winter coat. I love the leather jacket and hoody look – esp when one is in a dark berry shade…

Let me know what you think!

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A x

Add me on Twitter and add me on Pinterest
I’m on Instagram as alicebrazier

Outfit: Saturday Night Eats


Last night I went to a Indian buffet restaurant with my boyfriend, and some of his friends.

The blazer is from Mango, and the sleeves roll right down. It fits so well, and I’m wearing a M/12-14.

The jeans are Topshop, Baxter. I go through leggings so quickly so I thought I’d invest in some black skinny jeans – they’re quite tight but are an amazing fit. They do so many leg lengths too, which is fab for a tall girl like me!

The pumps are H & M, and the top is old season Topshop.

Let me know what you think!

A x

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Outfit – Pre-Autumn


I am pretty indecisive at the best of times, but in the weird weather between the seasons it’s always so hard to decide what to wear!

I had to be outside most of today (being a wag…again!) so the sensible *yawn* option was layers. The jumper featured in my last outfit blog, and is great because it’s thin, but also is a great cover-up. The chinos were from Republic, and are actually navy blue, paired with leather boots – something I think will be BIG this season, especially with the military/tweed/equestrian tailoring trends.

The leather jacket is from Missguided online – something I’ve featured before.

Let me know what you think, and how you want to wear AW2012 trends!

A x

Follow me on Twitter or Pinterest

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